A place they say magic happens, every girls dream land, little girls
Disney land. A fairytale come true.
That's Aveynia.
My excitement growing by the seconds glancing at the views, lights, and
elegance of the country. They say when you come here, you usually forget
where you came from.
That's how beautiful it is.
/"Oh my God, Liam I love you so freaking much. Oh my God/" my cheeks
already starting to hurt due to the smiling and extreme excitement
washing on me.
We left the airport a while ago, as one of Liam's employees drives us to
where we'll be staying.
/"And I love you so fucking much babe/" he replies with me still sequeling.
/"Now I'm so happy you didn't tell me we were coming here. This feels so
good/" I embrace my fingers with his. /"Have you been here before?/" I look
up at him.