/"No Liam I... I don't think I can. There are so many people here./"
/"And they are here to celebrate with us/" Liam pulls me even more.
/"I know... It's just.....I'm kinda shy. It's been really long since I
danced/" I admit and Liam smirks. /"What?/" I giggle with the way he's
smirking at me.
/"So it's not that you can't dance?/" he smirk wider and I turn my eyes
away blushing.
/"Oh come on brother, you have all days to yourself, get on the dance
floor/" Adam speaks through the mic as everyone laughs including me.
/"well, I did dance some years back/" I bite my lower lip admitting
something I never told him. The music louder as a jam song plays on.
/"Is that so?/" a sinister grin playing on his face and within seconds Liam
pulls me unto the dance floor. Thankfully I had changed my dress to a
white fitted knee length crepe dress.