Red lights shimmer in the darkness, the colors change to orange, then yellow. The pain flows through his body, he feels light-headed, he feels as if he is floating in a sea of pain, the smell of burnt flesh assaults his senses, and slowly he returns to consciousness, his wild eyes searching the shadows of the workshop, seeking out the apparition in the mask, the bile rises in his stomach and rushes up his throat, and before he can control it, he vomits his fear out, and gags at the bitter taste that fills his mouth.
Her voice floats to him from the darkness that surrounds him, and fear clutches at his heart, his lungs draw in air, and he screams in pure panic, for out of the shadows the avenging angel steps, and in her hand is the dagger, its stainless steel blade glinting in the light, and he knows that his time has come.