

The man who had been Ron Hanson sat at the wheel of PHSD bus 101, parked alongside one of Bellingham Hospital's rear exits.

The door opened and a patient in a hospital gown exited, followed by another, and another. Some of them had fresh blood on their gowns or coating their hands up to the elbows and all over the areas around their mouths. Hanson grabbed the handle that opened the bi-fold bus door and cranked it. One by one, silently, the patients entered. They sat, looking straight ahead, arms resting in their laps. When the last of them had taken his seat, Hanson cranked the door closed, put the bus in gear, and began the drive back to Pleasant Hills.

Kacey went over J.D.'s plan once more in her mind, wondering if there was any chance in hell that it might actually work. Who knew? All she knew was that they had to try.