

It had taken a fair amount of effort even with the two wheelbarrows but Hollis, Kacey and J.D. had navigated down through the sloping, stepped decline and staged their gear at the layer of quartz.

Dread and unease coiled in Kacey's gut. They all wore the vests and pants with quartz stuffed in the pockets, but would it be enough?

J.D. wasted no time. He plugged the masonry drill into their little 1600-watt portable generator and turned it on. Hollis held the light on the shining quartz while J.D. put the drill bit to its surface and began boring in. Kacey wanted to plug her ears, but she was holding a flashlight in her left hand, the Winchester in her right; shining the light down into the passage depths, waiting for some twisted parody of what had once been Rhonda or Crowe to make an appearance.