In a world where beauty opened doors and triumphed as the ultimate power card, Aiden had never stood a chance. He wasn't ugly. He didn't think so, at least. He just wasn't anything special. He was plain. Average. Another face that held nothing to be considered unique. Light brown eyes. Limp brown hair that was growing wavy on the top, and a face that seemed . . . sad?
As he held the eyes of the man in the mirror, it was the only word that came to mind. Sad and broken. Squeezing them shut, hating the fucking sight of them, he spun the facuets. The gurgle of water spliced through the silence he was drowning in with the ease of a samurai sword. He flinched, but dunked his hands beneath the cold jet, taking a moment to savour the way it slipped through his fingers. He splashed it against his face, handful after handful until a numbness bit at his cheeks and his teeth locked in a clench.