

Raven didn't disappoint. He made his way over and just like his brother, his huge mitts closed around his. They felt different but the same. Each man made his insides feel different, made a different kind of happiness fill him, but in the end it was the same because they both made him feel so amazing and small and loved.

/"Can I sit on your lap, birdie?/" he asked Raven as they steered him over to the couch. He loved how big and spacious the apartment was but he wasn't sure he liked all the black and white. He'd definitely need to bring his colours over so he could make it rainbowtastic for Raven so he didn't get sad.

/"I think I'd cry if you wanted to sit on Angel's lap instead,/" Raven teased, dropping down on the Chesterfield, holding his arms open. /"So yes, my lap is at your disposal, Ro./"