

/"Ronan, stop messing with things you're not supposed to be messing with./" Freezing beneath the strike of authority that infiltrated the room, his lower lip bobbed out.

/"Angie, how you know that?/"

/"Because I know you. Now get down./"

There was a wall that had a lookie hole in so you could peek into the living room, but Angie-pie hadn't turned around and his back to it. Raven wasn't looking either. Scratching his head, Ronan looked towards his birdie stuffie, wondering how he knew.

Narrowing his eyes, Ronan bobbed his tongue out and wiggled his fingers at the sides of his ears. When Angel didn't tell him off for being a cheeky Mister man, he decided it couldn't have been because Angie had magick eyes. It had to be because of something else.

/"Stomp, stomp, stomp,/" he said loudly. /"That was the sounds of me getting down, Angie./"

/"No it wasn't. Now get down before you hurt yourself./"
