

Raven laughed. It wasn't funny, but he laughed.

When they got back to the club, Joel and Angie-pie were waiting outside. Lucien saw his Daddy and took off in a clumsy waddle towards him, his arms extended and a happy gurgle sounding, and Asa started squealing, making grabby hands towards his Daddy, twisting and turning, trying to get off birdie's shoulder.

/"So do you regret your decision to give him caffeine?/" Joel said with a small smirk when he was reunited with his dino. The boy hugged his leg, placing his bum on his shoes.

/"Nope./" Raven shook his head. /"I just regret that I didn't get him to five cups. Man, that would have been epic. Next time I'm going for double red-eyes. Those will blow his little brain completely./"

/"If you do that,/" Joel said dryly. /"I hope you plan on taking him home and keeping him for the night./"

/"Hey, I'm fine with that. The kid's like a live in jester./"