

Ronan wasn't sure he believed that because why would pirates want toes? They didn't do anything! Well, some toes could be kind of pretty. His were pretty when his birdie painted them. He loved when his birdie did that.

They took their shoes and coats off at the door, and they played monsters and snakes, a game that involved flipping the couch cushions and throwing them at each other, until Angel made them all face the corner because a cup got broken because Asa threw it for them to catch.

He said he didn't care who threw it, they were all being too rowdy and needed to think about their actions. Lucien broke down and cried. He buried his face between his knees, crying out apologies. Asa licked the wall. Ronan tried to peek around the nasty Angie-pie for his birdie, but the big guy only shrugged at him, said something like 'do the crime, do the time,' and joined Joel in the kitchen.