

/"If there are people—Littles,/" Sly said, adopting the odd word that Jackson had used. /"Why didn't you ask one of those instead of hiring somebody who didn't know anything about it?/"

/"Your boyfriend, the one that liked to pull your hair, was he mean to you in other ways, too?/"

Biting his lip, Sly debated skipping that question, but it meant that he would forfeit Jackson's answer, and he found that he actually wanted to hear the answer to that one. /"He was. He said mean things a lot. But he didn't hurt me. He just liked to be shouty and loud./"

Which led to Jackson asking for an example. Sly gave him one. He had tried to make dinner one night when he had stayed over at Dexter's house, and he had leftover chicken in the microwave to reheat. It had been wrapped in tinfoil, and without even thinking, Sly had put it in like that and left it.