

Jackson allowed him to drink whilst he changed his clothes, stripping off the damp diaper— something he had accidentally used twice now without even realizing—and replacing it with a fresh one, alone with a snap crotch vest.

/"You sweated a lot last night, little dove,/" was Jackson's reasoning when he didn't then proceed to place pyjamas over the top. /"And I don't really want to leave the window open because I don't want bugs to get in. If you're still sweating in the morning, I will get a fan for your room./"

/"Thank you, Daddy,/" Sly said, kissing Jackson's cheek in the way that had become their nightly routine. A forehead kiss in return, and placed on the spongy hold of his mattress, Jackson pulled the blankets up to Sly's chest, tucked in his tabby cat, Bluebelle, and handed him his bright purple pacifier.