

The name always brought a smile to his lips, and now didn't prove to be an exception. Sly had managed to convince Jackson to sit through the original films, and he had promised that they could carry on with the rest each day. His Daddy was slowly coming to learn the characters, and it made him feel warm inside that he had done it just to please him.

/"Will you sing to me, instead?/" Sly asked. His lids were growing heavy, but he fought to keep them from closing, blinking up at the other man. His face seemed to become more appeasing with every day that passed. Each day, he would notice a new detail, like the way that his canine tooth on the right side very slightly overlapped the other, or the way his ears pointed slightly at the ends, like an elf's. Each day, his face seemed to become him, absorbing his personality until Sly was convinced that it was becoming one of his favourite faces to look at. Which was slightly concerning, but he dismissed it.