

Sleep was an odd experience. One wasn't even aware that they had dozed off until they awoke. That was what happened to Jackson. He awoke to a dry mouth, a stiff back from the awkward position he had slept, and little idea how long he had lay awake until sleep had claimed him the night before.

He had showered, shaved and did all the teeth-scrubbing, ear cleaning shit that made up his usual morning routine, before it dawned on him that today, he wouldn't be waking Sylvester up.

Today was Saturday, and therefore Sly was free to do as he pleased.

But an afterthought hit him, and after getting dressed and ready, he still made his way into the boy's nursery. It had just turned nine, and as already having fallen into the routine Jackson had tried so hard to set, Sly was awake. Sat up, eyes drooping and pacifier dangling from his lips as though he was seconds away from falling back asleep, but awake all the same.