

Had Sylvester been in a sound state of mind, he would have marvelled at just how much impact two words could have.

But he wasn't in a sound state of mind. In fact, as the tears overflowed, burning a path down the slope of his cheeks, he found himself damning those two words to hell.

What's wrong?

By themselves, either word would have been fine. He even suspected that they wouldn't have held even half the effect that they did had they been uttered by somebody else. Anybody else. But they hadn't.

They had fallen from Jackson's lips with just the right recipe to reduce him to a full-on meltdown: Kindness, sincerity, and genuine concern.

And that truly was, in a way, a curse. He had been fine, well, almost fine, right up until that look had crossed the man's face and the two simple words had been spoken. He had been fine, and then he wasn't.