

Jackson watched from the doorway, amused. It became clear that Sly had forgotten he was there, because when one of his antics caused him to laugh out loud, he startled the teen. He had gasped, his mouth all foamy, and almost dropped his toothbrush as he spun to face him, cheeks doing a cherry tomato dance.

After that, more aware, he finished brushing his teeth normally. Darth Vader gained a few toothpaste stains from helping out, but Sly didn't seem to mind.

After a quick shower, Jackson dried him and fitted him in a pull-up. As he was in charge, he had been allowed to choose what undergarments he would wear; he had been quite surprised that he hadn't chosen normal underwear, but then again, he hadn't exactly openly expressed to Sly that it was an option, so he may not have thought that much into it.

/"So,/" Jackson said after. /"Are you choosing which clothes you want to wear, little dove? Or do you want Daddy to do it for you?/"