

If there was a Nobel Prize for being the best friend in the entire world, Ronan would have won it.

To help make Sly's dream a reality, he had forced back three bowls of Frosties, one after the other, just so they could use the box; Jackson had said that they were welcome to it once the cereal had run out.

He hadn't asked Ronan to do that for him, and had found himself content with the answer that Jackson had given, but the fact that he had done it just to make him happy? It meant more to Sly than he could ever put into words.

But it got better. Ronan hadn't just consumed the cereal. He had also agreed that his Vader bear was the cutest thing in the entire world, and had decided that he needed to help make the ship. Which was how the kitchen table ended up being covered with a plastic tablecloth, as well as finger paints, safety scissors and the rest of the fiddly little things that came in the arts and craft box.