

/"Daddy, I can explain everything./"

The statement was put out there calmly and evenly. The way he delivered it, steady, without falter, it contradicted the wild frenzy that the vital, blood-pumping organ in his chest had worked itself up into.

It was the early hours of the morning. Light grazed the sky so tenderly, commencing a beautiful but futile battle for dominance as the last traces of darkness tried to resist, and the budding rays had already begun to creep in through the French windows.

Which was beautiful, sure, but the way it trickled in only amplified the indoor snowstorm that Sylvester had accidentally created. It tangoed with the clouds of dust in the air, creating a somewhat magical effect, but Jackson looked far from impressed.

Feet firmly planted in the doorway, his beautifully toned body extending a deliciously tempting invite to Sly's eyes, his gaze swept over the kitchen, becoming more alert with every blink.