

/"I'm sorry, Daddy./" There had been no thought put into his actions. He had spent his entire life without a Daddy to do things for him, and it hadn't even been the kind of thing that he had slowed down enough to consider that Jackson wouldn't have liked. /"I didn't think of that. I won't do it again./"

/"Good. Please don't. Also, if you recall, today is my day, Sly. You shouldn't be making me breakfast. I should be making you breakfast./"

/"I — /"

Cutting Sly's interruption off by flipping up his palm, he continued. /"I'm so touched that you wanted to do that for me, and I'm not angry or upset with you, but in future, just please clear it with me first. On your days off, I understand that may be slightly different, and I can't enforce that, but if you're going to need to get to the shelves you can't reach, either ask me, or use one of the chairs./"