

Which opened the door to a thousand questions, if not more. He was about to ask, about to pry what that meant, but the look in Jackson's eyes stopped him dead. They had turned glossy; like a graveyard of restless souls, the look that momentarily morphed his face could only be described as haunted.

He ended up buttoning his lips real fast.

/"So would it be against my rules to choose to wear them then?/" Sly asked. For some reason, that wounded look the other man had reflected had unnerved him. It had sent a pang of pain straight through his chest like a javelin. His words came out distorted by a meek tremble as a result. /"Even with the choice, or does that counter that?/"

/"Do you want to wear them?/" was the reply.

/"I was just wondering if it was an option or not,/" Sly said softly. /"And you wouldn't be upset if I chose to wear them if it was because I have proved I can use the diapers./"