

/"And what about the friend whose house you keep staying at?/"

/"Joel?/" I asked. She nodded. /"He's my bestest friend now. Do you think he'll like it if I made him a friendship bracelet?/"

/"Sometimes I have no idea when you're joking. Just... don't forget about Quinn, okay? She's been a good friend to you. I don't want you to just leave her behind because you've got new friends./"

I scowled. /"I wouldn't do that. I still talk to her every day. We're having a Christmas movie marathon next week./"

Nicky blinked then said, /"But we're in September./"

/"So?/" I frowned. /"Don't be a Grinch, Nicky./"

We talked a little more. I didn't tell her about Vinnie. I wasn't sure that she would understand. I was also a little worried that she would be mad. She had been mad when I had accidentally broken the plates that had been our moms. Or maybe that meant she would understand. I couldn't decide but I kept my lips firmly shut.