

/"Your break should be soon, yeah?/" he asked. He had to raise his voice a little to be heard. It was loud enough that Hanna, who was restocking the shelves, turned to study us.

I nodded. /"Probably./"

/"Check your locker when you get a chance./"

Short, sweet and then he was gone. He strode across the club with a confidence that most men could only aspire to have, a silent authority embedded into his step that had others subconsciously stepping out of his way.

My mind began to whirl, wondering what could possibly be in my locker. Was it cake? It would have been awesome if he had buyed me cake.

/"You and Joel seem close,/" Hanna commented when it was just the two of us. I nodded, hiding my doggy from her, shoving the incomplete structure into my back pocket. I wasn't sure why I was embarrassed. It was dumb.