

/"Duncan smells like fish fingers,/" I sang to the tiny boy. His fat fists clung to my index fingers, his knees bouncing as he jigged on the spot, delighted to be up on his feet.

/"And lettuce,/" I added, pulling a face that made him give a drooly, lopsided smile. /"And tomatoes and pears./"

/"Are you trying to make my son as odd as you?/" Nicky asked with a frown. She had just come out of the kitchen with a bottle of milk, her friend Saul trailing behind her. I didn't like him. I didn't like the way he looked at people with bad weather in his eyes. Nicky said that I was being silly but I really, really hated him.

/"No,/" I corrected, refusing to look at him, focusing on my sister instead. /"I'm making him as awesome as me. You can thank me later, babes./"

/"Babes?/" Nicky questioned, placing the bottle on the armchair arm next to me. /"You're in a very good mood tonight. Did you finally get laid?/"