

/"But I-/"

/"You made me not sad when my father upset me. You bought me Indy and Davy because my heart broke because I losted Vinnie. You let me have all my little stuff at your house because you didn't want me to be upset or afraid to do it here. Forgetting my feelings just once doesn't make all that stop being real. You were good. You made me smile and you always made me feel happy. And small. And tingly. You made me feel tingly a lot./"

/"Sometimes,/" Joel breathed. /"I forget how grown-up you can be./"

/"I want you to still be my boyfriend,/" I told him. /"I like being with you. You're the only one I want as my Daddy... unless the cute guy from Jurassic world wants to be my Daddy. He might beat you, but that's only cuz he'd have pet raptors but even then I would only pretend to love him more than you just so I can steal Blue and make her my very own pet. I could give her a collar and make her a kennel for in the garden./"