

/"Yes! That! But I don't care cuz Joel loves me, so there./" I stuck my tongue out at him.

/"Yeah. He loves you enough to call you his girlfriend Hanna,/" Saul cooed, his eyes glinting sadistically. /"But enough about you, let's talk about me./"

I wondered how he knew that? Nicky must have told him, which made me a little mad because I didn't want him to know things like that because he was a creep.

/"I hate you. I never wanna talk about you./"

/"Asa, don't be mean./" It was Nicky who said that, re-entering the living room. /"Food is ready. I'm just going get him ready for bed and then we can eat. Asa, don't you leave before I have a chance to talk to Joel, do you understand?/"

/"Kay,/" I whined. I hated that she was leaving me alone with him again. I hated that I knew she was probably gonna try and scare Joel into never hurting me ever again.