


Keira POV.

Keira West, alpha of the Raven Moon pack, mommy dom, and a bad ass. Better not mess with me cause I won't take it nicely, I might be nineteen but I'm one of the most feared alphas around.

My father died when I was sixteen, I had to take his place, rogues killed my father and so I had fought, fought and won. I killed the one who dared to touch my father, no one dared to call me out for being the youngest alpha in our region.

Most take over around the age of twenty something, sometimes later but they still have their parent help. I had no one, my mother was a submissive, she was so attached to her dom and my father, when he died she died too. Her heart couldn't take the pain, they left me alone, some call me the evil bitch, ice queen, and so on.

I did what have to be done, sixteen or not I took over, I trained my pack, I secured our land, no rogue dares to wonder inside my lands anymore, I would love to see them trying. We can always use new subject for my torture lessons.

But behind all this hard facade, behind me being a cold hearted bitch, I'm a mommy dom, I knew it since the day I took over but I couldn't show it, I can't baby my pack and expect them to listen to me or to stand up and protect themselves against the rogues.

I had to be a leader, and I've been for the last three years, I'm nineteen now with alpha duties. One of them is visiting other packs, me and the Nightshades have an alliance, we share borders and they know better than to mess with me.

My pack is much larger than theirs, we are known to be blood thirsty, I landed them few of mine few years back to help with a rogue trouble, now that his son is taking over I'm here to renew our alliance.

I was sitting in the alpha office, listening to him and his son, a congratulation was due to his son for finding his mate, yes he found her two years ago but this is the first time I saw him since. I wonder when I'll find my mate, would it be a he? A she? I don't mind either way, I'm bi, well if the moon goddess give you the same genre as you that means you're gay.

She does things for a reason, nothing is left for chance, I was bored out of the my mind, this is the worst part of being an alpha, the boring meetings, along with me are two of my most trusted mans and my beta, Faith. She used to be my best friend before everything went down, and after I became alpha she stood up and fought for the beta role.

I heard some mumbled voices outside the voice, someone is as bored as me, but then the smell hit me. It was one of sweets, like freshly baked good, it was so sweet it allured me out of the office.

Walking outside I saw two guys, they looked similar to the alpha, probably his sons messing around but the smell got stronger, the smaller one, the one who's been held by his neck.

/"Mate/" my wolf says out loudly and it hit me, I just found my mate.

The little guy look at me, I try to get closer to him, I heard Faith calling me but I ignored her. He went to hide behind whoever the other guy is, oh no, he does not hide from mommy.

/"Mate/" I say again in a growl, this time he takes off running, the little one is in so much troubles now. I was about to take after him, to bring him back and claim him as mine, it's when I felt strong arms stopping me.

It was a familiar pressure, I knew who it was, it was Faith holding me back. She better have a good excuse to why she's not allowing me to go hunt down my mate and bring him to where he belongs with me.

/"Calm down Keira/" she whisper in my ear.

/"What's the meaning of that alpha?/" alpha Victor asks.

/"That's my mate/" I say through gritted teeth and see all their faces fall even Faith.

/"Sammy...he can't be...he's just/" the father of the family says.

Sammy, so that's his name, I could look at my chest right now and I'll find it tattooed over my heart. I accepted him the second I saw him, that was enough for the name to appear, now it’s his turn to accept me.

First I need to catch him, that if Faith would let me go. I gave her a side look but she still refused to let me go holding tight to me, what's up with her.

/"Beta if you would let me go so I can find my mate/" I say through gritted teeth.

/"He can't be your mate he's too young!/" I hear the father say again with despair, he knew me, he knows my history, he's been there.

I just smirk, he's mine, they know we don't lie about things similar to this. Our mates are one of the most important things for us.