Sammy POV.
After I left the house, I changed to my wolf form and took off, nobody really mess with me, I might be smaller than the dominant wolves but I got four overprotective brothers, people learned not to mess with me.
I took off to my favorite hiding place, we all have those, mine happened to be in a small cave. I used to come here every time my older brothers wouldn't let me tag along or play with them. It became my favorite place to come every time I felt overwhelmed, living with two alpha and his twin, a beta, a prankster isn't easy.
Having Anna and Sophia in helped, but now I'm scared, I don't know that girl was, she might be beautiful but I wasn't ready to be mated yet. Running away and hiding seemed to be my best option for now, I stayed hidden for almost an hour, it's when I heard some sounds.
It was other wolves sound, I stayed quiet, I don't want to be found yet. I saw a brown wolf getting closer to my hiding spot, I went flatter against the ground trying stay hidden.
The wolf who I know to be Alvin moved away, me and Alvin have a special relation. He's my older brother, he's the one I ran to when I got hurt, he's the one who let me sleep in his bed when sacred no matter hold old I get.
/"Hey little brother/" Alvin says cramping himself close to be. I just whine and hide my head, he pull me closer to his lap.
/"I know you're scared Baby brother but you need to go back/" Alvin says and I growl, no I don't need to do anything.
/"She's your mate Sammy, just meet her/" Alvin says trying to comprise with me, it's always been the same since we were young.
He's the only one who could make me eat the yucky food or drink the medicine. He always said I had a little side to me but I never believed him, I didn't act like Sophia, I love to play with her even when in little space, but I never slipped before.
/"Come on baby brother, let's go meet your mate/" Alvin says standing up and I follow him toward the house.
The same people are still there but the girl with raven hair looks mad, she screaming and yelling, she's nosed to nose with Victor. I've never seen anyone go nose to nose with Victor before, except Sophia and that never ends well for her, she told me Victor spanks her when she misbehaves.
/"Either give me my mate or I'll call it a war, you won't even live to be alpha/" she growls, she's scary.
I whimpered, and took a step back, my slight movement got their attention. She turned her angry gaze toward me but once she saw it's me, she probably smelled that I'm her mate. The angry look changed, it morphed to a softer one, she smiled at me, her smile wasn't that scary.
She ignored Victor and took a step toward me, going down on knee so we're in same eye level, in wolf form I wasn't a giant either. She smiled at me and offered me a hand, although she's more dominant than me she still offering a choice to let her touch me.
I felt the pull toward my mate, taking deep breath she smells like a burning wood, and safety. I got even closer to her and she gave me a hug, it all started as a hug but I grew up with dominant wolves, I know when someone is trying to mark their territory, and that's exactly what she's doing, marking me as hers, leaving her scent all over me.
Not appreciating being marked without my consent I pull away with a growl, she can't just do that! She look at me surprised, like I wasn't supposed to know what she's doing.
I went and stood next to Victor, she stood next to her people, it was us and her now. She looked again at Victor, she lost the smile now.
/"He's mine/" she says with the scary growl again.
/"He's my brother/" Victor replies.
/"He belongs to me!/" she yells.
/"Alpha/" I heard the girl next to her saying, trying to calm her down.
/"No Faith don't alpha me he's mine!/" she yells, she's the alpha no wonder she went head to head with my brother.
/"Alpha Faith, Victor, Alvin, let's all go and have a civilised conversation./" my father intervenes.
The girl whisper something in her ear pointing to me and they all move to my father office.
Adam and Kyle drag me back to the kitchen, both of them fussing over me, their fuss wasn't very helpful. The one day I needed my step mom and sister they were sent out all day and away from the house.
/"She's a badass alpha way to go little bro/" Kyle says mockingly.
/"Ignore him Sammy, do you to shift back?/" Adam asks offering me a hug.