/"Mother I'm home!!/" I yelled as I entered the house with Nathan.
She walked out of the kitchen with her apron on and smiled.
/"Hey Hun, how did the game go, did Lia win?/" She asked excitedly.
My mom loved Lia with a passion, she was like another daughter to her and Lia loved that. After Lia confessed to her parents that she was gay her mother rejected her. Her mother was a very Christian woman and was very anti-same sex anything. Soon her parents argued a lot about how her mother began mistreating her and they got a divorce so Lia lived with her father who loved and accepted her but Lia never really had a mother figure.
That where my mom comes in.
/"Of course they won, Lia is like the best volleyball player apart from her sister./" I rolled my eyes.
My mom looked over my shoulder and frowned as she pushed her brunette hair out of her face.
/"Hello Nathan./" My mother said curtly.
/"Mrs. Vanessa./" He responded.
/"Mom we are going upstairs, Lia should be arriving a little while later./" I said quickly as I pulled on Nathan's hands.
/"I'll be sure to give her a warm welcome!/" My mother said cheerfully.
We went upstairs to my room and flopped onto the bed.
/"I swear your mom has a crush on Lia or something./" Nathan said.
/"Ew no she just really likes Lia, I've been friends with her since like kindergarten and my mom has loved her ever since./"
/"How did you guys meet?/"
/"We were in the same class and this kid was bullying me and she sort of punched him./" I giggled.
I heard the front door slam shut and footsteps in the living room.
/"Think that could be your dyke friend?/" Nathan asked as he laid down beside me.
/"Didn't that dyke friend steal your girlfriend in 10th grade?/" I said annoyed.
That shut him up.
There was quiet downstairs and I couldn't tell if that was my dad or Lia that walked into my house since Lia had a key to my house.
/"Mom who was that?/" I yelled down the stairs.
/"Nathan come on./" I beckoned him to follow me to the kitchen.
We walked down the stairs and I immediately heard my mother giggling in the kitchen.
I walked inside and I noticed my mother standing there by the stove with Lia standing next to her with her hand on her shoulder and holding cookies in her other hand.
She doesn't bake me cookies when I ask her to.
I noticed Lia whisper something into my mother's ear and she began to turn bright red.
Nope I refuse to watch my best friend flirt with my mother.
/"Mom you never bake me cookies./" I scowled.
They both turned around to look at me and I noticed Lia smirking at me.
/"Oh well you had guest coming over so I decided to make some and I knew Lia loved sugar cookies./" She smiled at Lia.
/"Well I have to steal my best friend away so we can do homework./" I rolled my eyes and grabbed Lia by her arm.
We got upstairs and flopped on my bed as I groaned.
/"Lia how many times do I have to tell you don't flirt with my mom, she's way older than you./" I glared up at her.
She shrugged her shoulders and smirked at me.
/"Clarity your mom is hot, I just can't help myself. Nathan what do you think?/"
/"Clarity your mom is really hot, I can't even deny./" He shrugged.
I rolled my eyes. /"Whatever, come on Lia we gotta start this./"
/"Aw I don't want to./" Lia groaned.
/"If I get you more cookies will you work?/" I asked.
She pouted and nodded her head in an adorable way.
/"You're so ridiculous, don't kill each other./" I said as I ran downstairs.
I walked into the kitchen and noticed my mother preparing dinner.
/"Mom where are the cookies? Lia won't work unless she's choking all on your cookies like a fat ass./" I rolled my eyes.
I felt something hard hit the top of my head. I groaned and noticed my mother holding a wooden spoon glaring at me.
/"You know better than to use profanity in this house young lady, I taught you better than that./" She scolded.
How the hell do children get away with swearing in front of their parents? Even if I say damn or accidentally slip up I still get hit with something. Is that only in books or something?
/"Here you can take these upstairs for Lia./" My mom said, handing me a plate of sugar cookies.
/"Thanks./" I muttered as I went back upstairs.
/"You know she really wants us to be friends right?/" I heard Nathan's voice.
I slowed down and stopped until I heard both their voices clearly.
/"First of all, us being anything will never happen and second, when are you gonna stop these little games?/" Lia asked angrily.
What were they talking about?
/"When you admit that you miss me and still want to be with me./" I heard Nathan say.
It felt as though my heart was trying to jump out of my chest, what did he mean when he said that?
/"Please leave Clarity out of this, why did you have to drag her into this?/"
/"Because she's your best friend and I want you to realize we had something special./"
There were tears sliding down my face as I continued to listen to this conversation. Was there some secret relationship going on behind my back? Was I just some little naive puppet in all this?
/"We had nothing, I'm done with these games. You're only obsessed with me because you had sex with me. Don't flatter yourself though, it will never happen again in a million years, you can say you're a minor reason why I'm gay./"
/"Whatever, I’m fucking bored with Clarity anyway./"
/"You bitch!/" I said as I walked inside of the room with my face slicked with tears.
Both Nathan and Lia jumped up with shocked expressions on their faces.
/"So when did you fuck him? Before we were going out when you knew I liked him or during?/" I questioned.
Lia hung her head low as if daring not to look me in the eyes.
/"During./" I heard her say.
Before I realized what I did, Lia had a flying plate coming straight at her head. It hit her in the head and she staggered back while holding her head.
/"What the hell Clarity?!/" Nathan yelled at me.
/"Don't you fucking dare yell at me you big whore! I liked you a lot and you just used me to get with Lia who is a whore and a dyke! No wonder she's such a disappointment to her mother!/" I screamed.
Lia looked up at me with glossy eyes while holding her forehead which had a cut on it and was turning red.
A big part of me regretted calling her that because I knew her mother used to call her nasty names like that and it hurt her a lot but she hurt me a lot and I didn't appreciate it.
/"Both of you get out of my house!/" I screamed at them.
Nathan tried to grab for Lia but she shoved him away and walked out of my room without a single glance at me.
When I heard the door shut downstairs I began to take all my anger out on everything in my room.
I was so hurt and angry by both of them, especially Lia. She was my best friend, she wasn't supposed to betray me like that.
/"Clarity what is going on? Why did Lia walk out of the house with a giant cut on her forehead and she didn't say goodbye?/" My mother asked as she walked in.
/"Mom I'm pretty sure you heard what I was yelling about, you have like super ears./" I snapped.
She looked at me for a moment and sighed.
/"Clarity you had no right to call that girl those names and say those things, even if she did something bad you should never say personal things like that to people./" My mother said.
/"Mom she slept with my boyfriend and was going behind my back./" I cried.
/"Did you get to hear her side of things before you came in yelling?/" She asked.
/"There were no sides, she slept with him, end of story why are you taking her side?!/" I cried out.
/"Everyone has a side honey. Lia is your best friend I know she wouldn't do such a thing without some explanation./" She said.
/"I just want to go to sleep./" I finally said.
I laid down on my bed and turned my back to my mother.
/"Goodnight Clarity./" My mother sighed.