My alarm went off at 6:30 am and I groaned. Usually I woke up at 7:30 and Lia would pick me up and dangerously speed to school but today wouldn't be like that. Today I was alone.
I climbed downstairs in my pajamas and walked into the kitchen where my mother and father were talking.
/"Hey Clarity, I didn't get to see you last night since you went to bed so early./" My dad smiled.
/"Can you drive me to school today?/" I asked.
/"Sure, Lia isn't picking you up?/" He asked.
My mom smacked him in the back of the head with a newspaper and glared.
/"Oh um never mind./" He looked awkwardly.
I rolled my eyes and walked back upstairs to get ready.
I hopped into the shower and thought about how this school day was going to go. It was going to be weird without Lia since I did almost everything with her.
I sighed and hopped out of the shower and got dressed. I put on a pair of jeans and a real sweater and went downstairs with my golden hair in a bun.
/"Are you ready Clarity?/" My father asked as he grabbed his car keys.
I nodded, grabbed my book bag and headed out the door. My mom waved to us from the door as we pulled out of the drive way.
After a long silence in the car my father finally spoke.
/"I know you and Lia will get back together, that type of friendship is irreplaceable./" He said.
/"What are you going to start singing Beyoncé dad?/" I rolled my eyes.
/"If it will get my point across then yes./"
/"I get it, you don't need to sing./"
We pulled up to the school and there was a large crowd of kids in front of the building, gathering around something.
/"Reckon you think that is?/" My dad asked.
/"Probably someone fighting, see you later dad./" I voiced as I hopped out the car and walked toward the school building, away from the large crowd.
/"Just fucking hit her dude!/" I heard someone say.
I stopped in my tracks and turned toward the crowd of students. It was very rare for a guy and a girl to be fighting in this school but if it were a guy and a girl, the girl was always Lia.
Lia was a very tough kid, when I mean tough I mean she can kick ass. She has been doing, boxing, volleyball, MMA fighting (mixed martial arts) almost all her life and she was really good at all of them. Too bad her rage sometimes gets the best of her and she ends up using her skills in school.
I pushed through the crowd of kids and made my way to the front to see Lia pinning Nathan to the ground and repeatedly smashing her fist against his face.
She still had the cut on her forehead from yesterday that looked fresh again and was bleeding and she had a bruise on her cheek. Nathan pushed her off him and stood up.
I winced as he stood up and showed his face clearly, it had so many bruises and scars, not to mention he had a cut under his eye and he had blood coming from his mouth.
She charges at him again but this time he blocked his face but Lia wasn't aiming to punch, she was aiming to kick him in the head and she succeeded as she watched him fall to the ground.
/"Everyone get to where you're supposed to go!! Get out of the way!/" The principal came running into the middle.
He peered at Nathan who was groaning while rolling on the ground while Lia was staring at me angrily.
/"Cecelia my office now! Someone help Nathan and get him to the nurse./" Principal Duvall shouted.
I quickly walked away and headed towards the building to get to my locker, then I realized I could never open my locker so all my books were in Lia's locker.
I groan and walked toward my advisory, as I enter the room I noticed all my books neatly placed on my desk.
Great now I have to carry all this stuff around. The bell went off for first period and I gathered my books and hurried off to history class.
/"Hey Clarity why are you not sitting with Lia?/" My friend Amelia asked as I sat down next to her during lunch.
I looked across the cafeteria and my head slightly hung. Lia was sitting with a group of kids with her arms wrapped around another girl's waist.
I felt a small painful surge go through my chest as the girl rested her head on Lia's shoulder and smiled. Usually by now Lia would have apologized to me and I would have listened to her part of the story and forgave her but I didn't see any signs of her apologizing.
/"Um Lia and I had a fight./" I said as I turned my head away and rested my eyes on my red headed friend.
/"I'm sure you guys will get over it. She said as she focused her attention on her pizza.
I looked back over and made awkward eye contact with Lia who looked away quickly and focused her attention on the girl next to her.
/"Clarity./" I heard a pained voice behind me.
I turned around to see a very bruised and mangled Nathan, thanks to Lia.
/"What the hell do you want?/" I spat.
/"Remember when I told you not to mention to anyone that we were dating yet? Not even your best friend?/" He asked.
/"Yes./" I said quietly.
/"I told you that because I wanted to get with Lia to see if I could sleep with her. I got close to you so I could get close to Lia and one day she was crying after school or something so I used that to my advantage, I am so sorry./" He said as blood slightly dripped from his lip.
My blood ran cold as I quickly looked over at Lia who got up with the girl hand in hand and left the cafeteria.
Oh shit.