

Clarity's Pov

Did I tell you that I hate Asha. I seriously hate that girl with a passion. I hated her smiled, her freckles, her innocent look, the way everyone loved her, I hated how she was so nice to me.

I glared at her from the back seat as she skipped out of the school building, hopped into the passenger seat and placed a big wet kiss on Lia's cheek.

I hate her so much. I hated her way before Lia and I got into the fight I just always felt like she wanted to take Lia away from me and I can't have that.

/"Can I please spend the night at your house Lia? I don't want to go home tonight./" Asha asked.

What the hell? Lia better say no.

/"I dunno I would have to ask my dad, last time you spent the night, we woke him up./" I notice Lia smirk.

I cleared my throat and Asha whipped her head around and grinned at me.

I will hate her until I drop dead and even after that I'll still hate her.