

/"Do you have something to wear to this party?/" My mother asked as we walked around the mall that she practically dragged me too.

/"I'll find something in my closet./" I shrugged my shoulders as we sat down at a food court table.

/"I swear you are the exact opposite from when I was a teenager, all I did was party and go out with my friends./" My mom nudged me.

/"Well without my best friend I don't have many friends, she's the popular one./" I said.

/"Is there something going on between you and Lia? You guys are really close and.../" She trailed off as she sipped her smoothie.

/"She's my best friend?/" I said more as a question.

/"You don't sound too sure./" She said quietly.

/"Ew no mom she's my best friend she knows I'm not into things like that./" I said disgusted.

/"Okay if you say so./" She said quietly.

I was going to say something but she beckoned for me to follow her as she got up from the table.