Present day
Shondra spotted me as soon as I stepped into the hallway and her beautiful green eyes, sharp with intelligence, watched me from over Jameson’s shoulder.
/"What’s going on?/" Tony whispered. He stood behind me, not daring to peek his head out of the doorway in case he got hit in the crossfire.
/"The day of reckoning is happening, dude./" I leaned against the doorjamb, arms crossed with a smile full of teeth. Shondra’s parlor grew ashy with worry, and she bit the plump bottom lip I’d kissed a thousand times.
Yeah, I ached for her still. But I’d crossed the thin line of love and hate that night in December when she played me for a fool. Bitch brought me low... lower than when she left me in DC six years ago. I hadn’t gotten over it. I doubt if I ever would.
/"I used the perfume on him, Vee. I wanted to make sure he was legit./"