


Present day

/"Wait for the bar, Vee. I told you I need that drink first./" Again, her mouth set into a thin strip. I let it be. With this traffic, she needed to concentrate.

I pursed my lips and crossed my arms over my chest. Gazing out the window, I willed my mind to go blank. All too soon, thoughts of my upcoming meeting with Jae crept in like a cat from the rain, wary and disturbed.

Tomorrow, Jae would learn about his daughter.

I asked myself for the millionth time, what would his reaction be?

/"What’s that sigh for, Vee?/"

/"Did I sigh? I’m sorry./"

/"It’s about Jae. You are nervous. Tell the truth./"

/"Yeah, I guess I am,/" I said, letting out another sigh. /"What if he rejects us, Sho?/" I said, voicing my biggest fear.

/"Then he is the biggest fool on the planet./"

I laughed. /"Yeah, he would be, right?/"

/"Tru dat./"