Six years ago
During her speech, Shondra roamed her eyes around the room. Once or twice, I swear they landed on me.
My face was more angular than it was at sixteen, and my hair was shorter, more of a buzz cut. I’d grown four more inches in height and gained almost twenty pounds of muscle. Still, I looked the same . . . or near enough.
But if she recognized me, she gave no sign. And until that moment, I never truly understood how Adam felt when Josh flirted with someone else.
I sure learned quickly.
A boiling heat engulfed me as I watched the fucker who’d kissed her hand smile at her from his seat. When she grinned at the audience during the pauses in her speech, I shot daggers in that direction. When people clapped, I made the loudest noise. When the crowd gave my angel a standing ovation, I whistled like I was at a football game.