


Six years ago

/"Except for you./"

I became lighter than air, a feather floating up to the ceiling.

/"Ms. Williams,/" said the man who had cleared his throat. He had iron-gray hair and pink-tinged John Lennon glasses. /"I just want to say what a mah-velous speech you gave.../"

Axel’s ice-blue eyes never left my face, no matter how many people congratulated me. The last person, an older gentleman, had become too long-winded for Axel. He snaked his muscular arm around my waist and said, /"Sorry to interrupt, but we have an engagement./"

I threw an apologetic look at the man as Axel spirited me away, and before I knew it, we were down the hall and at the bank of elevators.

/"What floor?/" Axel asked,

Floor? Was he coming to my room? Why? What did he expect?