

Alarix's POV.

/"You're feeding again?/" Athan gasped.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye the best I could. I had a petite brunette straddling me. My fingers were digging into her waist, and my fangs were lodged into her neck.1

I hummed in response against her neck. A raspy moan slipped out of her mouth, causing me to cringe. She was attempting to grind herself against me, but she couldn't because of my tight grip holding her in place, and there was fuck all for her to grind against.

/"You should fuck her while you're feeding, Rix./" He chuckled. /"It takes so much better when they're aroused and cumming... The feeling is incredible; you'll never feel anything like it./" He quipped.

I rolled my eyes, withdrawing my fangs from her. I gazed at the blood pooling in her collarbone from my lips. She leaned back and batted her eyelashes at me.

/"I'm not fucking you./" I gagged.