

Lila's POV.

/"We need to go now!/" I ordered as I marched into the kitchen.

I thought hearing his voice would calm me a little, but it's only made me worse. After what Melanie and Celeste told me, my anxiety and stress levels are through the roof. His voice was raw and scratchy, he's struggling with something, and I hate that I'm not there. I need to see him with my own eyes to know he's ok. I can't wait until tomorrow to go... I need to do this now.

My dad, Darius and Levi were sat around the table; they glanced at me as I came in. /"Lila, you know the protocol./" My dad sighed. Levi smiled sadly at me.

I huffed, slapping my hands against the table, leaning forward. /"That was before I spoke to Alarix.../" I took a deep breath and sighed. /"He needs help, and he needs it now./" I snapped.