

Lila's POV - 5 Months Later.

/"You're going to wear yourself out, Lila,/" Mum sighed. /"You know you're supposed to be resting./" My mum scolded, trying to usher me back to bed.

/"This is the fourth false alarm,/" I growled, pacing back and forth across my bedroom floor.

She rolled her eyes at me and chuckled. She grabbed my arm gently and stopped in front of me. /"It'll happen, Darling. You can't force it./"

/"I had hoped it would only be two months,/" I grumbled. /"It's been fucking five./"

I sagged against the wardrobe and lolled my head back against the door. /"I'm exhausted./"

Alarix poked his head around the open door and scanned his eyes around until they landed on me. /"How are you feeling, beautiful?/"

I smiled at him and nodded. /"Tired./"