

Alarix's POV - One Year Later.

Athan picked up a piece of paper from my desk and sighed. /"How many do we have now?/" He queried.

I looked up from the file I was reading and glanced at another on my desk. /"Twenty three packs, sixteen clans and... nine covens,/" I replied as I set down the file.

I groaned, hanging my head against my chair. /"Wolves are easy to reach. They listen because Lila is a wolf and Leon is an alpha./" I mumbled. /"Vampires and witches, not so straightforward./"

/"Everyone has been intimidated by Lilith and our parents so much that they won't speak to us,/" Athan grunted. /"If they listen to what we have to say, they would know we are on their side... We aren't a threat./"