

Shiloh Pov:

I yawn tired/" sleep now baby, Mummy needs to take a nap/" I croon softly while rubbing his chubby cheeks.

He replies with a yawn blinking his eyes making him look so adorable.

I sigh tiredly once again feeling the need to close my eyes for just a few minutes but my adorable baby won't allow his mommy because he keeps crying every time I try putting him in his crib not even letting Chole hold him for a second.

/"He just loves staying in his Mum's hands,/" Chole says sitting on a sofa while flipping through a magazine on her lap/" and you got to admit it's cute/" she chuckled.

/"Yeah, he got his cuteness from his Mum/" I smirk proudly before placing a tender kiss on his forehead gaining a cooing noise from him.

I rest my head in the headboard with my hand wrapped around the baby while listening to the soft music playing from my phone with my eyes closed humming.