

/"Umm... I-I-I/" I stuttered out like a fool. He chuckled, which made my face heat up even more.

/"It's ok. I get that reaction from people all the time/" he smirked cockily. I rolled my eyes at him and ordered a drink.

/"So what is a beautiful girl like you doing drinking all by yourself?/" He asked with a raised eyebrow. I don't know if it were the drinks that got to me, but I started telling him about what happened earlier. He listened attentively and quietly while I ranted about my sad pathetic life.

After my rant, I broke down in tears. It must be the alcohol why I am acting this way, I thought to myself. He looked panicked and uncomfortable as he stared at me with wide eyes. It was as if he had no idea what to do next, I mean it's not every day you run into an emotional woman at a bar.

I quickly wiped my tears away to put him out of his misery and he let out a long sigh. I laughed to myself when I remembered his face from when he saw me burst into tears. It was hilarious and now I completely forgot what I was crying about in the first place.

Weird. I guess the shots are working.

I was just sitting there laughing my ass off, while he was giving me a weird look. When he scrunches his nose like that, it made him look funny. This made me laugh even harder than before. Omg, I think I am drunk, I thought to myself.

/"You think?/" he asked with a raised brow.

Did I just say that out loud, I thought to myself.

/"Yes, you did/" He said with an amused look on his face.

OMG! He can read my mind, I thought to myself again. He gave me a funny look before he let out a deep chuckle.

Before he could say anything else, a man came over and whispered something to him. His face became hard as he got up suddenly and walked out of the bar. I frowned at his back, as he did not even bother to acknowledge me before he left.

I paid my tab and got up from my seat. I felt sad that he didn't even say goodbye. Stumbling to the door, I tried to collect myself and shake off the alcohol as I stepped outside.

I looked around not knowing where to go and just decided I would head down the road. As I began walking, I tripped over my two feet and landed on the ground. There was no one around so I just laid there and laugh to myself like a crazy person.

I got back up on my feet after struggling for a minute to stand properly. I began walking again, this time trying to stay upright. After walking for what felt like an hour, but really was just a minute, I heard grunts coming from an alley a few steps ahead of me.

I don't know if it was because I was drunk or stupid, but I decided that it would be a brilliant idea to sneak a peek of what was happening. I mean, people do this in the movies all the time. How hard could it be?

I pushed myself up against the wall and smiled evilly. I started sliding against the wall until I was almost at the edge. I took a deep breath in, before I push my head past the edge to see around the corner.

There were three men standing over a man bent on his knees as he begged for his life. The man was beaten badly and was covered in blood. One of his eyes was swollen shut; he had a busted lip and looked to be bleeding from his chest. I don't know what I was expecting to see but it was not that.

One of the men standing pulled a gun and aims it at the man that was kneeling forehead, a scream of terror was heard and then all heads snap to my direction. They were all looking at me standing just a few feet from them in clear view; I don't even know when I moved from behind the wall.

Looking at the men standing, I recognized one of them. It was the same one from the bar. That beautiful face gave me a hard look before he started walking in my direction.

I stood still like an idiot there for a second, before I convinced my legs to start moving. At that, I took off running as fast as my legs could go. I heard footsteps behind me and curses. I dared a glance over my shoulder and started panicking when I saw how close he was.

As I refocus my attention to the front I ran into a brick wall and fell on my butt. Why was there a wall in the middle of the sidewalk, I thought to myself as I rubbed my forehead. Just then a pair of hands grabbed me from behind and forced me on my feet. I started panicking as I realized that he had caught me.

I started kicking and thrashing wildly in his arms, as he holds me against him. I was screaming and shouting for help when a cloth was placed over my nose.

I tried holding my breath for as long as I could, but the hand never moved away. I couldn't hold my breath any longer, so I inhaled whatever it was that was on the cloth. My eyes began to close slowly on their own accord before I finally passed out.