

Layla’s POV

I woke up on the ground in a dark empty room with a pounding headache. I started panicking as I scrambled to my feet scanning the room for a way out, my headache long forgotten. I saw light coming from under the door and quickly stumbled over to it. Looking for a way to open the door, I gave up when I realize that it can only be opened from the outside.

Running my hand through my brown hair that stopped at my waist, I continue to look around, not ready to give up hope just yet. Walking around the room for a few minutes, I realize that the door was the only exit, since there were no windows.

I was about to sit on the ground when the door suddenly opened. I quickly scrambled away until I was pressed up on the wall. I heard a grunt as the man walked over to me and grabbed me roughly by the hand. I began fighting against his strong hold, trying desperately to escape.

Then an idea popped into my mind. I stood completely still in his hands and as he was about to put a cloth over my head, I kicked him as hard as I could where the sun doesn't shine. He quickly let go of me to cup his prized jewels.

Smiling evilly I made quick work of getting out of the room. Oh my god. I did not think that was going to work. As I step out the room I look to my right and then left to make sure the coast was clear. Which way should I go? I did not plan this far ahead.

I turned down the right hallway and was met with stairs at the end. I quickly and quietly made my way down, stopping at the last one. I heard voices around the corner and started panicking. What do I do now? Calm down Layla, you can do this. I peeked around the corner to see who was there, and saw four men. Ok so I was not going to escape that way.

'That bitch' I heard someone shout from upstairs. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck ,fuck, fuck. I kept cursing under my breath.

/"You/" I heard from the top of the stairs. I dare to a look up there and the man that I had kicked in the balls was glaring angrily down at me. If he was a cartoon character, smoke would definitely be coming out of his ears.

As he started making his way towards me, I quickly backed away and was about to run around the corner when I felt something blocking my way. Turning around, I was met with anger blue eyes. He grabbed me by the arm and began dragging me along. The other man had caught up to us now and was walking alongside us, all the time glaring daggers at me

/"How hard is it to take one girl to me?/" he snapped at the man beside me. His grip tighten around my arm the angrier he got. Gone was the man that I had met at the bar.

/"She might have, probably, it's not like it happened or anything, but there is a possibility that she kicked me in the balls/" He rambled on clearly embarrassed that I got away so easily, but even more embarrassed of how I managed to get away.

/"So, she kicked you in the balls/" blue eyes smirked. The other man remained silent as I smirked in victory.

We stopped in front of a door and blue eyes opened the door before walking in, dragging me along. The other man stepped in and closed the door. The room was completely covered in plastic. So this was where they killed their victims, I thought.

/"What are we going to do with her?/" the other man questioned blue eyes.

/"Kill her obviously. She's a witness and we can't just let her go. She'll run straight to the cops and I don't want to be paying for something that can be prevented/" blue eyes said as if they were having a normal everyday conversation.

When what he had said finally sunk in I began thrashing wildly trying to escape all the time crying for help. Who am I kidding? No one here would help me.

This probably was normal for them. I guess curiosity really did kill the cat.

Blue eyes pulled out a gun and aimed it at my forehead and I completely froze. He then pushed me down to kneel in front of him. My eyes widened in fear as I stared up at him in completely and utter fear. I'm not going to die like this.

/"Please-please don't kill me, I won't tell anyone about what I saw/" blue eyes rolled his eyes. By this time my vision was blurred with tears as I pleaded with him to let me go.

/"That's what they all say/" he said with such venom before he clicked off the safety on the gun.

At that the door burst open and two men walked in. Blue eyes turned away from me to hear what the men had to say. He turned in my direction with anger written on his face before he went over to the other man that was in the room.

/"Sweetheart, it's your lucky day. Take her back to the room. I have to deal with something, I'll deal with her later/" blue eyes said before walking out.

/"Oh and this time, try to not get kicked in the balls/" he chuckled leaving the room.

When the guy grabbed me to take me back to the room, I didn't bother to put up a fight. What was the point anyway? I might as well save my strength for my escape. Instead I looked around trying to find a way to escape.

When we got to the room he pushed me inside and stood by the door glaring at me. I could see that he was still mad at me from earlier. Crossing his muscular arms over his broad chest he narrowed his eyes at me.

/"If I were you I wouldn't do anything to upset Emilio/" he said in a warning tone.

/"Who is Emilio?/" I asked confused.

/"You're a slow one aren't you? He's the guy who was going to kill you and also my boss/" he said with an amused expression on his face. My face reddens in embarrassment as I looked away. He chuckled clearly enjoying my embarrassment.

/"I'm not slow/" I said looking down.

/"Why am I here? Why does he want to kill me? What is this place?/" I fired question after question at the man.

/"To put it simple, Emilio runs the Italian mafia/" he said nonchalantly. My eyes bulged at that.

Holy shit. I was kidnapped by the Italian mafia. Well this is the most interesting thing that has ever happened to me, minus the part where I was almost killed. Then a thought crossed my mind.

/"Are you going to sell me into sex slavery?/" I asked shivering in disgust.

/"We don't do that/" he said clenching his jaws. Clearly this was a topic that he does not like to discuss, so I didn't ask anything more about it.

/"Then why am I here?/" I snapped.

/"That is for Emilio to decide/" he said turning away to leave.

/"Wait, what's your name? I would like to stop referring to you as 'the guy I kicked in the balls/" in my head/" I said smiling sheepishly.

/"Luca Russo and I already know you're Layla Smith/" he said walking out the door and closing it behind him.

I sat there for a while looking at the wall lost in my thoughts, when I saw the door open and a tray with food was placed on the floor. Looking at the food my belly started rumbling so I went over to it and look at what was on the tray.

There were McDonalds and a cup of soda on the tray. I laughed silently to myself. How nice of them, I thought sarcastically.

As I ate, I thought of all the possible ways I could escape. There were many different scenarios running through my mind, all of which ended with me getting caught and then killed.

If I tried to escape there is no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't come after me. But if I stayed here I don't know what he'll do to me or better yet have me do.

I cannot just sit around and wait for my faith. I had to do something to get out of here. With that thought in mind, I began formulating a plan. I just hope that this would work and if not I could probably end up dead.

Emilio's POV

In my line of work, showing mercy means that you're weak. They always beg for their lives and make promises they know they won't keep. So what's the point of showing mercy? Plus I can't have people thinking I'm weak, now can I?

I guess the universe did not want me to kill her or I wanted her alive. When I pulled out the gun and aimed it at her head I hesitated and because of that I couldn't kill her. There was something in my gut telling me not to kill her and I don't know why.

Normally I would kill with no remorse, but with her I couldn't even pull the fucking trigger. Fuck. Why do I feel slightly attracted to her? Of course I'd be attracted to her, or more like attracted to what is between her legs. Sex. Women's only purpose is to satisfy my needs and nothing more.

I was deep in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that someone had entered my office. Looking up I saw that it was Luca, my second in command and best friend.

Luca has been my best friend for as long as I could remember. We both grew up surrounded by the mafia. We started training from the age of twelve to take over from our fathers, for when they deemed us ready.

His father was the second in command to my father when he ran the Italian Mafia. When I took over there wasn't a doubt in my mind that Luca would be my second in command.

/"You hesitated today and you never hesitate. You like her, don't you?/" Luca says sitting in the chair before my desk. He was one of the only people that could walk into my office unannounced.

/"Don't be naïve, I was just trying to scare her/" I said shrugging my shoulders.

/"Whatever you say. So what are you going to do with her?/"

/"What I do with women? She's going to warm my bed of course/" I said smirking.

Luca chuckled and I chuckled along with him. Yea, yea, yea I know what you're thinking. I'm a man whore, but I can't help it. Women willingly throw themselves at me and I couldn't refuse that. I've got needs.