

Emilio’s POV

I needed to leave right now. I had just gotten an important call from one of my men while I was in the bathroom. Turns out the Russians had intercepted one of my trucks containing cocaine and I needed to handle the matter swiftly.

I had wanted to leave before Layla woke up, couldn't bear to look into those sad brown eyes, that I was sure was staring at me in fright.

After what I had done last night to her, I was fairly certain that she would start to behave. I didn't want a repeat of what happened last time, because if she were to run away again and I caught her, I wasn't so sure that I would be as lenient as I had been.

I didn't feel any remorse for letting her sleep on the ground or almost choking her to death. She had to learn who was in charge and since she insists on pushing my buttons, then I had no problem teaching her the hard way.

I will not tolerate people whose sole goal is to defy me.