

They had just broken the treaty, so this means war.

/"Who sent you?/" I asked even though I already knew the answer. I was just testing his loyalty.

He started cussing me out in Russian as if he thought that I couldn't understand a work he was saying. Boy how wrong he was. My father had made sure that I learnt at least 10 different languages and Russian was one of them

/"Come on don't be like that/" I said mocking him with a hurt expression on my face.

His eyes widened when he realized that I had understood what he had been saying. He had been calling me a 'son of bitch' for the past minute.

/"I'm going to ask you one last time. Who sent you?/" I spoke with so much venom in my voice, he cracked almost immediately.

/"Boris/" he whispered in defeat

See what I mean?

Well that was easy, I thought to myself. Although I had already known it was him.