

Layla’s POV

It has been a few days since the incident between Emilio and I. I haven't seen him since, not that I had been expecting to see him or anything.

To be honest, I was avoiding him like the plague. I hadn't left this room since I step foot in it. I was afraid of his reaction towards what had happened.

I was also ashamed of myself for giving in so easily. I mean, how could I do that? He was holding me hostage. I felt like a cheap whore. I don't want to feel this way anymore, but I was also afraid to face reality.

So instead of facing reality, I'm in here wallowing in self-pity.

Every day I would wake up to a fresh set of clothing and breakfast waiting for me. I had no idea who brought it in here, but I never questioned the matter.

So maybe in that cold, black heart of his was also a caring side. I mean why else would he make sure that I got three square meals a day and a change of clothes.