

Layla’s POV

My face was burning with embarrassment. I can't believe that Luca had seen me laying on the desk completely naked. Emilio just stood there as if this was a normal thing that had happened. It probably was normal for everyone else, but I was petrified.

Slowly coming out of my daze I quickly scrambled off his desk and took up my underwear and pants off the floor with my hands still restraint. This time he didn't stop me and for that I was very glad.

The only problem I had now was untying my hands so that I could put on my clothes.

/"Um... Could you untie me?/" I asked politely with my hands outstretched wanting to get out of this awkward situation as fast as possible.

He didn't reply, he just pulled one end of the cloth and it came undone. I quickly fixed my bra and shirt, and pulled on my underwear and pants.