

They walked away leaving me on the floor. My head hurt from all the pulling of my hair and the hit to the wall. My face hurt from the slap and I was sure a bruise was already forming.

Getting to my feet slowly I looked at the wall and saw blood. I quickly put my hand on my head back, only to withdraw it as soon as I winced in pain. Bringing my hand before me I saw blood on my fingers.

I was slowly becoming lightheaded, as the hit was now taking a toll on my body. Using the wall as support I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

Walking in the kitchen I saw a Luca, Enzo, Stefano and two other men. Upon my entry their conversation came to a stop and Enzo rushed over to where I was standing.

/"What happened?/" Enzo asked in concern.

I looked around the room and when my eyes landed on Luca, I couldn't even muster up the energy to be embarrassed about what had happened earlier. My head was throbbing with pain.