

Layla’s POV

Eight hours later and we were landing in Italy, Rome to be exact. It was 8am in the morning now. I was beyond excited. I've always wanted to come here and here I was. The only difference was that I wasn't here on vacation, but more like being here to commit a crime.

If I help him, I will be no better than them. They never even gave me a reason as to why they needed me to do this.

Who was the guy and what did he do?

I felt bad that I was forced to help them do this. For all I knew he could be an innocent man and they were going to torture and kill him for their own benefit.

Could I help them kidnap an innocent man?

Could I stand by and let an innocent man be killed?

At the same time, he could be a bad guy and them killing him could be doing this world a huge favor. Even if he is a bad person, I can't stand by and let them do this.

Or could I?