

I slipped on the dress and shoe, and fixed my hair. I was ready to go, so with one more look in the mirror I left the room in search of someone, anyone really.

I don't wear heels often so I was a little rusty walking around in these heels. Taking my time trying to not trip over my own two feet, I walked along the hallway even though I had no idea where I was going.

Stopping for a second, I leaned on a door for a bit trying to remember the way to the first floor. Suddenly the door opened and I fell. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact of the floor, but it never came. Instead I felt arms go around me, holding me up.

I looked up and was met with those familiar blue eyes. For a second I just stared into his eyes unable to look away. His eyes were so intense, that I was forced to look away.