

Emilio’s POV

/"We've manage to pinpoint their exact location/" my tech guy said walking over to me with his laptop to show me where they were holding my angel.

Luca, Enzo, Stefano and a few other men were sitting in the living room with me going over different strategies.

/"Ok, so they are staying at the safe house here/" he said pointing at the laptop screen.

They weren't very far from where we were. In fact since we had to relocate, they were even closer than they would have been if we were still at the mansion.

The mansion was under renovation right now because of all the damage that bastard and his men caused. So now I was staying at my villa in New York.

Yes, I have many houses, but what else could you expect. I have to have a lot of places, because when shit like this happened I could easily relocate so my enemies couldn't find me.